

I'm Tensei, a software developer focused primarily in frontend development with JavaScript, TypeScript, and React. I've dabbled in the backend professionally with C# and .Net, as well as personally with Ruby and NodeJS.


  • macOS and Linux
  • Web (JavaScript/TypeScript)
  • Ruby
  • Plastic Models and Miniatures (Warhammer!)


  • Python
  • Rust
  • Swift

The Site

This site serves as a means to collect and share information, as well as to experiment with and work with technology and stacks that I don't necessarily make use of in my day job. The current interation of this site is built with Astro, but it was previously implemented using Gatsby; I had a great time with Gatsby at a previous position paired with Kontent as a headless CMS, but it proved to be too cumbersome, especially when working with locally sourced markdown content.